The Holy Family Experience
Designing Your Own Path
天职是一种神圣的召唤,让你利用个人的天赋和才能为他人服务. 这种使命感是十大网络彩票平台大全校训的核心, teneor votis, which translates to: “I am bound by my responsibilities” to God, to self, and to society. Knowing just what those responsibilities are, or what they should look like in a student’s own life, can be a challenge. The goal of Holy Family University’s BLUEprint Curriculum is to assist students in designing a path to their vocation.
The Holy Family Experience 通过提供广泛的课程和机会,专注于引导学生完成学术探索和自我发现的旅程.
不像其他核心课程要求学生在前几个学期完成课程清单, the Holy Family Experience 为学生提供在四年中选择课程的机会,这些课程可以帮助他们找到并遵循他们真正的道路. These courses are intended to orient students to their strengths, connect them to their community, 并通过个性化的途径引导他们走向自己的职业.
At Holy Family, our faculty experts have built a robust, 四年计划旨在引导学生通过一系列重要的里程碑,有助于知识超越课堂,培养毕业生为职业生涯和生活做好准备.
Sample Courses
In addition to standard courses that all students must take, 核心课程让学生选择五门最适合自己学习领域的课程. Here are just two courses that a student might choose:
Food Security, Nutrition, and Climate Change
本课程将向学生介绍影响食品安全的主要概念,包括可负担性, accessibility, and availability. Population demographics, climate change, 可持续发展将在粮食安全的重要性背景下进行讨论. 本课程将包括相关的社区参与活动.
Art Imitating Life: Psychological Themes on Broadway
本课程探讨艺术模仿生活的方式,考虑如何在百老汇作品中描绘各种心理主题. 本课程将包括到剧院观看百老汇戏剧的现场演出. After the show, 我们将与剧中的演员进行一次“回聊”,讨论剧中所描绘的心理主题.
Program Tiers
一级课程为学生提供基础知识, skills, and values necessary for academic success and employability. There are 18 required credits in Tier One. The Tier One curriculum includes a required course in Writing, Public Speaking, Religious Studies, Philosophy, and Science. Tier One also includes three one-credit transaction courses, known as BLUEprint, taken in the first three years of the student’s coursework.
二级课程为学生提供了一个选择自己选择的课程的机会. 学生可以从二级课程列表中自选五门课程(15学分). In order to help ensure breadth of academic experience, students may only take two courses within a given discipline (e.g., SPAN I and II or SOCO 101 and SOCO 212).
三级课程通过多种课程形式为学生提供参与综合学习的机会, including interdisciplinary courses, team-taught courses, weekend intensive community integration courses, 和旅游课程(国内和国外)完成本等级的9个学分.
Tier Four is composed of the Interdisciplinary Core Seminar. This Core Seminar is the capstone course of the Holy Family Experienc帮助学生整合他们的专业知识和形成性知识,以跳板他们对上帝的终身责任, self, and society.
Student Learning Outcomes
The Holy Family Experience 课程是否以满足以下七个学生学习成果及其后续目标为中心.
- Communication and information literacy
- Critical thinking and analytic reasoning
- Theological literacy
- Scientific engagement
- Cultural and global awareness
- Civic engagement and ethical reasoning
- Technological competence
Through a scaffolded approach within the Holy Family Experience curriculum, 各种背景的学生——从第一代到Z一代, to transfer, adult learners, 寻求学位的学生走上了成功完成学位的道路.
BLUEprint Courses
The first year enables students to transition to life at Holy Family University; the second-year focus is on persistence with determination toward degree completion; the third year is centered on navigating with confidence through senior year and beyond.
进入学术生涯不同阶段的学生将会遇到基于以学生为中心和个性化方法的课程核心要素, meeting students where they are.
Students will gain critical skills including:
- 分析元认知以改善学习过程及其相关结果.
- 评估圣家社区内外的最佳学习机会
- 展示学生/引导者的参与和解决问题的能力
- 研究如何神圣家庭的使命和价值观支持多样性,公平和包容
- 运用批判性思维和计划技能来明确专业和职业目标
- 评估“正念”和“成长心态”的学术和心理健康功效
- 评价技术资源作为支持目标和愿望的手段
- 开发一个工件,以展示与克服挑战相关的课程学习成果的仔细构建的反映
Outcomes by the end of the student’s third year feature:
- Describing the criteria for a viable personal financial plan
- Evaluating post-BA employment and/or graduate school options
- 作为未来规划的一部分,展示学生/引导者的参与
- 运用批判性思维技能设计顶点作品集
- 考察圣家的使命和价值观如何促进持续的终身转变
- 确立致力于多样性、公平和包容的意义
- 提供技术对文化、社会和环境影响的证据
- 开发一个工件来展示一个精心构建的关于课程学习成果的反思,与大四和毕业后的生活有关
The whole of the Holy Family Experience truly is more than the sum of its parts, 当学生们带着今天工作所需的知识离开时, 以及驾驭未来趋势的远见卓识,以便他们随时准备代表他们工作和生活的社区优化他们的技能.